26 March 2009

irish nachos

right: irish nachos
dubliner cheese
cheddar cheese
cheesy mashed potatoes
taco meat
green onions
radioactive green sour cream

left: green nachos
cooked spinach
fresh jalapeno peppers
green onions
green peppers
cheesy mashed potatoes
el ranchero chips (in the green bag)
squeeze of lime

the double starch whammy of nachos and mashed potatoes was a true success.  

10 March 2009

standard chartered, at long last

the odyssey is over.  my project from hong kong, a redesign of standard chartered's retail experience, is finally posted online at my coroflot webpage.  

now it's spring break!

05 March 2009


the two boards for my midterm presentation for my chair design studio.  i'm leaning toward the second option, because it's nearly absolutely useless.  not much use for a chair that you can't put up against the wall --- unless you've got a big, beautiful space.

this has been a challenging project, and not just because i've also been trying to finish my china project at the same time.  i'm a big fan of my I.D. hooks (like, ooo, it's made out of recycled materials, or, ooo, it folds up!) and bullshit like that, but i've made myself stay away entirely.  it's been hard.  

it takes a lot of guts to get up in front of some designers and just say "this is my design, what do you think?"

04 March 2009

buck wild

at long last, some real content.  two pictures of my full-scale plywood ergonomic buck.  she's wide and low, and i have half a mind to make some nice cushions and keep her around the living room.  
tomorrow, renderings.